Enter Empress Zaria’s “Pickle me” Challenge!

Grow A Pickle Challenge

Sure, learning the science behind growing your own food is great but unless you plant something, nothing will grow; so lets grow a pickle. 
Write your awesome label here.


Self-directed and engaging courses for parents, teachers, and volunteers via a new, multimedia curriculum and Master Gardener Workshops.

Learn, Grow, Eat, & Go

This is a 4-week multifaceted unit that combines plant and garden learning, food exposure, brain- and body-boosting physical activities, and novel parental engagement well-built around plant part themes.” On Line 

Farm Tours

Tour farms in the local area and learn how your food gets from the farm to the table. 

Health & Nutrition From the Garden

This Junior Master Gardener series is packed with basic gardening information that includes growing techniques, food safety, healthy eating tips, and nutritious snack food preparation. This course teaches students about health, nutrition, food safety, and wise decision-making skills.

Get Movin’!

Moving is a critical part of health. We’ve organized opportunities for our members to engage in social play days where teams compete in weekly Pickleball games. 

Wildlife Gardener

As Wildlife Gardeners, children will gain a greater understanding and strengthen appreciation for the wildlife that is part of their local community. They enjoy novel, hands-on, project-based learning as they have fun gardening for wildlife and building components of wildlife gardening habitat.

Literature In The Garden 

This course utilizes six Growing Good Kids Book Award-winning titles to inspire learning through outdoor activities, creative expression and open exploration. It will enhance youths’ understanding of the messages and powerful illustrations conveyed in these stories.

Become A Junior Master Gardener

Grow A Pickle 
Join the revolution of responsibility

Enter My Kiss The Ground Challenge

Subscribe and get access to soil quest, online and in person activities. Farm tours, parent trainings, and a chance to Save The Planet 
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